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A non-profit organization

for street musicians


LAMA KOVA ("why a hat?") - because we want to flood the streets with music created by top class musicians. because of the classical musicians, the jewish poets, jazz players, the singer-songwriters and because of the oud and bouzouki players from the Middle Eastern basin. For the people who enjoy a magical moment during a small break in their day. for the residents . For the musicians. For the city. these are only a few of the reasons for "LAMA KOVA?".



Keep in touch!

Would you like to join our pool of street musicians?

Write us about your group, style, the length of your show and send us a link.

LAMA KOVA has musicians from all over the country!


Would you like to donate to LAMA KOVA? Thank you!

We also believe in investing in culture and that is why

LAMA KOVA transfers the majority of its donations to the performers themselves.







Would you like to volunteer? Great!

We need an internet site builder, fund raisers, set builders and


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